
WordfixerBot is an AI language processing tool that can paraphrase, grammar check, summarize, and compare text.

You can check it out at https://www.wordfixerbot.com/

Background Stories

Hi everyone,

In November of 2022, I first came across OpenAI and their GPT-3 models. I was amazed and stunned by its powerful language performance, which can be applied to natural language or coding language. I thought it could be an exciting idea for me to build a simple application powered by GPT-3 as a portfolio project for my resume, so the journey with WordfixerBot begins.

I build WordfixerBot as a simple AI language processing tool that can paraphrase, grammar check, and summarize texts.

Two weeks after getting started, I started showcasing the first version of this tool, mostly on Reddit, and after receiving much positive feedback, I found that it has the potential to generate revenue. So I decided to turn it into a MicroSaas product that I can build to get more experience on my journey to become an Indie Hacker.

I have faced many challenges around marketing my tool to get the first batch of initial customers. As someone who does not have a lot of marketing experience, I know that I must get my hand wets and just do it. I start with posts on Reddit on many tech subreddits and submit my product to product listing pages, and it helps me to get some feedback from early customers that I can use to improve my tool.

I am still on my journey to get better at marketing, and hopefully, I can reach my first goal revenue of $2,000 MRR in the next few months. I believe that if I work harder and smarter and believe in myself, I can achieve my goals and get more customers.

I am happy to answer any questions and would love to receive any feedback about the tool!

You can contact me by sending me an email at the footer of the page.


Below is the tech stack that I use to build my app

Thanks for reading this article :D.

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me via any social medias below, or send me an email by clicking on mail icon below as well